

From September 19, 2024 until September 21, 2024
ロンドン - オールド トルーマン ブルワリー、イングランド、イギリス
カテゴリー: ビル&建設
タグ: 浚渫

お知らせ - ロンドン デザイン フェア


London Design Fair Cancelled 2024: Important AnnouncementThe organizers of London Design Fair have decided to postpone London Design Fair in the near future. The next edition of the London Design Fair was scheduled to take place from 19-22 September, 2024, at Truman Brewery.It has always been the highlight of the year for design, with a community that is extremely engaged, including more than 100,000 followers on Social Media and 13,000 visitors to the last edition, in 2023. It has become more difficult to effectively serve the wide range of companies that exhibit at the fair.London Design Fair is a legacy that embodies creativity, innovation and community. The decision to postpone the event reflects the commitment of the organizers to deliver an event that meets and exceeds the high standard set by the diverse, dynamic design community.We want to thank our amazing partners, visitors and exhibitors for their incredible support over the past years.Download our Press ReleaseIf you have questions, email [email].

Diversified Communications は、ロンドン デザイン フェアを無期限に延期することを決定しました。次回のロンドン・デザイン・フェアは、19年22月2024日からXNUMX日までロンドンのトルーマン・ブルワリーで開催される予定だった。

It has always been the highlight of the year for design, with a community that is extremely engaged, including more than 100,000 followers on Social Media and 13,000 visitors to the last edition, in 2023. It has become more difficult to effectively serve the wide range of companies that exhibit at the fair.



ロンドン デザイン フェアの公式ウェブサイトで登録してください。


ロンドン - オールド トルーマン ブルワリー、イングランド、イギリス ロンドン - オールド トルーマン ブルワリー、イングランド、イギリス


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