

From February 21, 2025 until February 23, 2025

中国四川省成都 - センチュリーシティ新国際会議展示センターにて

投稿者: 広州交易会ネット



カテゴリー: 梱包と包装

タグ: 印刷, 梱包, ダイビング器材, ゲーム機, 3Dプリンタ




段ボール機械・材料テーマ展示エリア 20,000m2

第一に、優れた産業基盤 - 四川省には、中国の上位 8 社の印刷および包装会社のうち 100 社が拠点を置いています。 そのうち 10 社が全米トップ 100 に入っています。 西部は、印刷および包装業界が最も発展している地域です。 中国の西部開発戦略がさらに進み、大規模な包装・印刷企業が西部に拡大するにつれて、南西部は今後もトップXNUMXリストにさらに多くの場所を占めることになるだろう。

The second greatest advantage is [Unlimited Business Opportunities in the City of Fortune]: According to the 2018 Fortune Global 500 Company Rankings the number of Fortune 500 Companies settled in Chengdu currently stands at 285. This includes 198 foreign companies and 198 local companies. The number of enterprises in Chengdu has reached a new record, driving the growth of supporting industries. The World University Games and the Inter-American Development Bank Board of Governors Annual Meeting, as well as the Park City Global Forum, are all enhancing the charm of this city of wealth.

Chengdu International Packaging Industry Exhibition, which has successfully been held 11 times in Chengdu, boasts the third advantage of a large purchasing team. The exhibition has attracted many stable and fixed purchasing groups for the purchase of equipment and materials. Even printing plants in Tibet purchase the coverings. In the case of film machines, the marketing department is invited to come along with the investment promotion and a travel subsidy. Is it true that this kind of popularity is not as popular as you think? !