

From April 01, 2026 until April 03, 2026

バリにて - バリ ヌサ ドゥア コンベンション センター、バリ、インドネシア

投稿者: 広州交易会ネット


カテゴリー: 食品業界, 観光業界

タグ: ご宿泊, メディカルツーリズム, ホスピタリティー


バリ料理、ホテル、ツアーシム (FHTB) |バリ島の食事、ホテル、観光

Eastern Indonesia's Leading international hospitality, food & beverage trade exhibition is back! Food, Hotel & Tourism Bali 2024 Recap. Watch Our Highlights Video. SUSTAINABILITY IS US. Important Notice!!! FHTB Bali Offers The Best Hospitality.

Food, Hotel & Tourism Bali は、バリ島の息をのむような景色の中で開催される年に 2 回のイベントです。このイベントは、進化し続けるダイナミックなホスピタリティ、飲食業界に焦点を当てており、アジア内外から世界中の幅広いバイヤーやサプライヤーが集まります。

このイベントは活動の中心地であり、最新のトレンド、革新的な製品、業界最高クラスの製品を発見する場所です。 FHTB でのみ、ホスピタリティ、食、観光の未来が明らかになるこの素晴らしい旅に乗り出すことができます。

Sustainability is a priority for us, as we recognize its increasing importance to our attendees, exhibitors and market. We enhance the environmental, economic, and social impact of our host cities by running exhibitions. We are committed to creating responsible events which promote sustainability in our industry by connecting people to networks and knowledge. We now only use renewable energy at our events, which has reduced our carbon footprint to 0.

Informa AllSecure is Informa’s approach to enhanced health and safety standards at our events following COVID-19.We recognize the importance of the epidemic control measures that come with Covid-19. This will ensure the health and safety of all attendees; screening measures and procedures have been prepared. These new guidelines and best practices aim to not only give you peace of mind but also help ensure a hygienic, productive, and organized event experience.